Schlagwort-Archive: ip

RFC 1393: Traceroute Using an IP Option

Network Working Group                                          G. Malkin
Request for Comments: 1393                                Xylogics, Inc.
                                                            January 1993

                     Traceroute Using an  Option
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RFC 2460: Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification

Network Working Group                                         S. Deering
Request for Comments: 2460                                         Cisco
Obsoletes: 1883                                                R. Hinden
Category: Standards Track                                          Nokia
                                                           December 1998

                  Internet , Version 6 (IPv6)
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RFC 791: Internet Protocol

:  791


                         DARPA INTERNET PROGRAM

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What is VOIP (Voice Over IP)

stands for Voice Over and describes the transmission of spoken language with the help of the Internet . It is synonymous with the group of software and hardware, that can be used to make phone calls in this form.

While in the early days of VOIP headsets were used to realize this function with computers, there are nowadays many devices that do not differ from conventional phones – in their appearance. It is also possible, to call other VOIP ports as well as regular phones.
Advantages of Voice Over IP
Voice Over IP has several advantages.

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What is a TCP/IP-package?

stands for Transmission Control and is a connection-oriented, multiservice transport for networks. It is often based on the (Internet ), reason for referring to as TCP/IP. TCP itself is defined in RFC 793.

TCP establishes a channel between the two end points of a communication and allows the transmission of data in both directions. The data stream is separated into packets, so called TCP/IP packets, that are sent individually. Each packet can take a different route to the destination. Therefore the packets might arrive in different order. Once at their destination, they will be placed in the correct order and merged.

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