Schlagwort-Archive: anonymity

What are the risks of anonym proxies?

The important risk depend on the reason of usage:

  • Risks and hazards of proxies in general
  • Risks and dangers of anonymizing proxies

Risks and hazards of proxies in general

If you use a proxy, then the whole network traffic runs over it. A proxy is thus in a position to take note of all what you receive and send.

That proxies can cache data, is one of its advantages. So sometimes they can respond faster and more directly, instead of retrieving the data from the remote server. Normally entirely unproblematic.


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What is internet anonymity?

As discussed in „Can somebody identify me„, there is usually no technical problem to identify someonre based on his IP address and the point in time it has been used. Practically there is seldom danger, as a ruling is required to resolve this.

But in times of more and more data collection, many feel the importance of .

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Can somebody identify me?

Yes and No!
Technically this is possible. If you are on the Internet, you have an unique, public IP address. This IP address is stored on every server you visit in the server log files. This leaves a trail in the network.

In addition to your IP address, other data is recorded, such as time of the request, the requested file, and also whether that could be delivered. (mehr …)

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