What is internet anonymity?

As discussed in „Can somebody identify me„, there is usually no technical problem to identify someonre based on his IP address and the point in time it has been used. Practically there is seldom danger, as a ruling is required to resolve this.

But in times of more and more data collection, many feel the importance of .

Often proxy servers are used, that request data in the name of the user and thats address is recorded on the used hosts server logs. However, this makes identification only a bit harder, not impossible.

Reasons are, that some proxies state for whom they process the request. This could be directly logged and is as direct as a direct request. On the other hand proxy servers might create log files on their own, and hence enable resolving and matching of identity.

To secure privacy it is required, that a proxy can not do this resolve or match – technically. It is not enough, that it is assured, that data is not forwarded. These providers have few chances if an accordingly authorized position requests disclosure.

Technically not resolvable just means, that a log file is not created at all – data is not recorded in the first place. Where no log file, there no resolve.

It is immediately clear, that one accepts a risk to use such a provider. It greatly depends on the services used and the information given to the provider for this.

For security reasons you should only choose a well known commercial provider.


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